Artificial Found Object
An AI-image of a Found Object generated from a text prompt

The Found Object in art is a fascinating concept because it is not something that is simply found by a person by chance or by search. It is actually an object found or selected by an artist who consciously defines it as an object of art. Or in other words, it is transformed into a special status by the artist's intentions.

Usually the regular Found Object is a physical object that can be fetched and/or exhibited, but on this website it is somewhat abstracted by only showing a photo from it (index Found Object).

Another abstraction is to generate an AI image of the found object with a text prompt (for example, with DALL-E). Initially, there is no corresponding physical object at all in this process. However, the generated image can be treated as a model to create real objects in a studio or a workshop, or to make 3D prints, which actually adds an intriguing new dimension to the creative process.

The AI generated objects are often much more advanced than the classical found objects and also how they are found is different. So the AI generated images are still named 'Found Object' but to prevent confusion the two collections are kept strictly separated on this website. The AI objects also have their own numbering A_nnn (A = artificial).

Artificial Found Object
All the pages with Artificial Found objects

All years | Last page at the bottom of the list | = new

Found Object A_001 - The infinite space of artificial realism
Found Object A_002 - Dirty tea cloth
Found Object A_003 - Partly weathered panels
Found Object A_004 - Rusty steel cabinet

The Found Object pages provide arrows to browse them independently of this index or the Photos indexes.