Still-life A_005
Composition with industrial found objects (intro)

This image displays some unique features which is the result of AI image generation and by combining the concepts 'Found Object' and 'Still-life'.

The objects shown here are found by the AI image generator with 'found object' and 'still-life' in the prompt. They are not specified in detail (except that they should be 'industrial'), and the result is that the generator invents new objects by itself. So, effectively, the already rather complex concept of 'found object' is further developed here by using AI.

A side-effect of this process is also that the scene looks slightly surrealistic because there is an unusual contrast between the abstract objects and the traditional format of the still-life.

This combination of features, made possible in part by using AI image generation, delivers an interesting new category of still-life with an opportunity for further exploration.