Ghostly appearance
On a cold bright day

This photo was initially rejected because of a curious detail, with the trees in the background locally obscured by an optical anomaly. This actually doesn't look flare from the lens because the figure is cut off at the bottom by the sandy soil. Looking at the details doesn't resolve much and I have no explanation near at hand.

This location had a building which was pulled down shortly before the photo was taken. It accommodated a department from the local university, with a management mostly psychopaths terrorizing the staff for years. Behind the trees was also a small pig slaughterhouse where you could hear the screaming of the animals every so often. It is also striking that many deformed trees can be found on these grounds, notably close to the slaughterhouse. I feel the surroundings gradually became soaked in bad karma.

Nowadays the department building and the slaughterhouse are gone and a completely new district is built on this site, which is a good thing, but personally I still wouldn't like to live there.