Corona man
Be wise and stay at home

In this series the adventures of a senior man living in a care home [1].

The care home (photo 1) is locked down due to COVID-19 restraining orders and unfortunately the senior man, we all know only too well, is not allowed to go out for his daily walks. So as you can expect, being not susceptible to orders from anyone, he has decided to split himself into two separate persons, an ability coincidentally obtained during his attempt to use a derelict teleport, but actually not practiced ever since (Split man, Photos 2019-2). The ingenious plan is that one of the partial persons should stay at home, as a distraction for the care staff, and the other sneaking out for a breath of fresh air.

After a short meditation to prepare for the split he senses a faint vibration and there he goes right through the wall. However, being an amateur in this realm his projection of the second person is not quite well scaled, and he appears as a two dimensional goliath stuck against the outside of the home. Oh dear! That's bound to happen with stubborn old men. It will be difficult to find a professional teleport technician who is able to fuse this bonehead back to a normal appearance without serious harm.

Improved reality® by Billy Axeman.

[1] For all the installments go to 'Senior man' with the Series link in the top of this page.