Stochastic building 2
Simulating a natural environment with random features

In this supplement to 'Stochastic building 1' some extra photos with focus on another building in the same district.

This postmodern district has two blocky apartment buildings A and C, two gable roof apartment buildings B and E, and two low-rise buildings D and F. The photos below are documenting building A viewed from different angles and how it is integrated in the environment. [1]

On the outside of the district is a ringway with a connection to the main road. On the inside is a raised sidewalk for seamlessly joining all the buildings. Underneath the sidewalk is a parking lot.

The drawing shows the camera positions and the photo numbers.

At the inside of the area is a wooden sidewalk for connecting the entrances of all the buildings.

The sidewalk is mounted on a steel frame at a height of about 2 meters. Beneath is the parking area.

Detail of the wood planking. A little dog was wondering what I was doing there, but he quickly accepted my presence.

The weird neighbor of building A has a complicated fake gable roof with zinc cladding.

Between the buildings are entrances to the parking area and the sidewalk, the latter via stairs. This one is between building A and F. Some entrances also have an elevator [1].

An exit of the parking area. This looks like a bridge but it is actually part of the sidewalk.

A view from the ringway, at the outside of the district. From left to right buildings A, F and E.

[1] More photos from the same district can be found in the 2014-2 Photos section in Archives:
- Photos of building C are in 'Stochastic building 1'.
- Photos of building E (and D) can be found in 'Gable roof'.
- Details of de entrance between buildings F and E can be found in 'Elevator'.